Amanda du-Pont: 13 Facts you didn’t know about Skeem Saam’s ‘Lelo’

Aside from for playing her starring role as Lelo Mthiyane on SABC1 soapie drama Skeem Saam – what else do you know about Amanda du-Pont?
  1. Amanda du-Pont has asthma since she was a toddler.
2. Amanda was a lead-singer in church.
3. She is scared of rat tails and snakes.
4. She became nervous when she is casting / acting.
5. She used to steal her parents’ car before she had an drivers license.
6. Amanda’s boy friend carries her to bed every night.
7. Amanda quits her honours degree three months before she landed a big role.
8. She wanted to write a book in future.
9. At the age of 21, she sells hair pieces from her car boot.
10. She once worked as an Flyer or Pamphlets promoter in United States.
11. She won R10 000 for her school from an Eating Competition.
12. She drinks coffee every day.
13. Amanda always makes noise when she drinks water.
